Friday 14 November 2014


Making money work for you is an art. It has to be learnt or studied. One must learn to be patient since riches do not come overnight.  You should get the right state of mind and you can start by the practising the following.
  1. Change the wrong mentality. You should have a reason (a very strong reason) that can also motivate you. Some wrong words should change.  Instead of saying "I cant", say something like" I'll try" to get this. Always be optimistic when it comes to matters concerning money.
  2. Buy assets and not liabilities.  This is to say that in every business endeavor,  weigh your profit against your expenditure. Your profit should far outweigh your losses and I believe that move can be classified as an asset. Note that assets put money in your pocket but liabilities remove money.
  3. Move with the right people.  The people you associate yourself with influence your decisions in life. Therefore when you move with business minded people, you are able to get new ideas which helps you to grow your business.
I believe with these and many other rules with the help of God, you will achieve the desired success.

-Hilary Mensah-Buabeng

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