Tuesday 18 November 2014


Climbing the staircase, Daniel heard someone mention his name. When he turned back, it was his headmistress. The headmistress was a staunch Christian. She told Daniel about a revelation she had that his father was going to die the next day. Daniel laughed and asked, “Are you serious?” The woman replied, “We don’t joke when it comes to issues concerning death. I wouldn’t have told you if it was a joke.” The smile on Daniel’s face changed to a moody one. Daniel walked away quietly. He begun to reflect on all the things his dad had done for the family. Paying his fees, the support he gave in all aspects and everything a dad does and even more. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He knew he had to do something and fast. On the other hand, he thought to himself, “It is something that is bound to happen.” He knew he was powerless to change the situation. He then remembered a scripture in the bible. A prophet was sent to inform a king that he had a few days to live. The king felt sad but without wasting time, he prayed a short prayer asking God to remember what he had done for Him in times past.  God, who is capable of doing everything, in turn restored the king’s life to him. The word inspired Daniel and he was now totally convinced that all hope was not lost. Eventually the next day came and the father lived. His life had been restored to him through the prayer of his son. Daniel’s life had changed forever.
For most Christians of today, everything happens for a reason. This doesn’t mean we should take things for granted. Most of us have decided to belittle everything, even God. We tend to limit the power of God. We do not put him first. We act and talk like there is no God but that is not the case. There is God and this is the God who is capable of doing everything. God actually does not require a lot from us as we make it look like. He only needs us to trust Him and leave the rest to Him. He only wants us to live with the notion that He is capable of doing anything we can possibly ask for and of course He is. We should not live our lives as though we have no faith. What if Daniel’s father had died? His life would have been shattered and the truth is God had the right to take his dad’s life. For a moment, place yourself in the position of Daniel and ask yourself what you would have done, which can aactually happen in reality. Please don’t pretend you didn’t read the previous sentence. Please reflect on it and live a changed life. Be inspired, it’s never too late to be too late.
         -Hilary Mensah-Buabeng

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