Wednesday 11 February 2015


It amazed me when I realized that there is a God who loved Freewill. Despite all the wrongs that was going on in today's world, this God decided not to blot man from the face of the world but instead, He decided to let each person do as he or she willed. He gave us Freewill. The will to choose to worship Him or not. He choose not to force us but instead worship Him from our hearts without compulsion.
It was then I realized that it takes a God-fearing person to uphold the statutes of the Almighty. Our world now is filled with pressures. It is filled with people who do the exact opposite of what is commanded and furthermore
feel proud about themselves.
The fear of the Lord as though exists, has fled the hearts of many. Sin is now held in high esteem in most places and it will only take a God fearing person to honor God. Amazingly, our God is a God of hope and full of second chances and hopes all will turn to Him. He would not force anyone. It is of no doubt that David said not to envy the wicked when they flourish for they have been placed in slippery places.( Psalm 73:18-19)
It is amazing how people who have turned their backs on God prosper. It is as though the Lord has been unfair but it will interest you to know that they are only on a trial period. They are put in slippery places and great is their fall. As children of God don't fret because the evil and ungodly prosper but instead rejoice because all things are working in your favor. 
It takes the love of God, patience and the loving fear of the Lord to continue to push through the passing glories of this present world.
It is not easy but if only you can hold on a little longer, you will please your maker with your Freewill.